Monday, June 21, 2010

I've been using this new lip gloss, but it's turning my face blue. Should I stop using it?

...That would be a good idea! But that also could be a reaction to something you ate or something else. /:I've been using this new lip gloss, but it's turning my face blue. Should I stop using it?
Of course you should stop using it! That sounds like some kind of allergic reaction, it can be really serious (when is your face turning blue NOT serious?). If you stop using it and your face doesn't clear, go to the dr.

Try finding out what the ingredients in it are that are different from other lipglosses you've used and avoid themI've been using this new lip gloss, but it's turning my face blue. Should I stop using it?
No, the lip gloss probably has nothing to do with your face turning blue! You should go to the doctor and ask them what is wrong with your face color. ~love ya
Well, of course.

Unless you like being blue.

If your face is still blue after you stop using that lip gloss, than see a doctor.

think of yourself as the girl in willy wonka

they juiced her eventually

yes stop using it

and see a doctor

haha XP
Yes! And maybe talk to your mom or doctor!
whhaaa? ummm yea
no duh
yhh u shud
yes u should

it may not be the lipgloss.... maybe food?

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