Saturday, November 28, 2009

How can I deepen the colour of bricks and make them highly glossed?

I have red 1970's style bricks in a fireplace, most of which will be knocked out to install a contemporary Jetmaster gaslog fire. The ones on the hearth need to remain, but I wanted to make them a bit of a feature and make them richer in colour and glossed. How do I do this, what product could I use? The floor will be wooden floorboards around these bricks. Any suggestions greatfully received.How can I deepen the colour of bricks and make them highly glossed?
If you want a glossy finish try Thompsons Water Seal, it works great.How can I deepen the colour of bricks and make them highly glossed?
I have used an acid, ameratic (can't remember the name but something like that) you buy it at Home Depot. Very potent but it cleans brick and excess grout off tiles, works great but wear gloves, and a good mask, and have lots of ventilation. After you do this, seal the brick with a sealer which you can also purchase at Home Depot it is for natural stone and brick. It makes them look very rich in colour. I put several coats on, as they will soak up the sealer very quickly. You will find that they will be much easier to clean as well. Sorry I can't remember the exact names but Home Depot does carry this item, I bought it there. Good Luck.

wood stain works well, or you could make a colour wash out of faux finish glaze and enamel paint, it is a kind of stain (don't use alot of paint, so it stains the brick, instead of coating it with paint and hiding the characteristics of the brick). putting a gloss finish on brick is tricky...after you stain it or colour wash it, you could use a good spar varnish...not polyurethane, but a spar varnish, with the sheen of your choice.
Assuming you mean the exterior bricks surrounding the fireplace. You could paint them. If not paint maybe you could experiment with stain. Gloss can always be achieved with polyurethane.

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